Uncorking a bottle is just the beginning of a wine’s story.

Uncorking a bottle is just the beginning of a wine’s story Cherrypicked by the Cathay Pacific’s renowned wine-tasting panel, the red wine Bernice shares offer a taste profile that’s not only delightful but also embodies Cathay Shop’s refined sophistication 🍷. As...

#細味微醺日常生活:同廖碧兒發掘美酒與食物嘅配搭藝術 Wine & food pairing at home with Bernice

同廖碧兒發掘美酒與食物嘅配搭藝術 | Wine & food pairing at home with Bernice   即上 ,將美酒帶返屋企輕鬆配搭: 究竟Wine & food pairing有咩準則呢?一齊睇吓 專業又創新嘅配搭方法。嚟自美國華盛頓Chateau Ste. Michelle & Dr Loosen 嘅 「Eroica Riesling」,清爽又酸甜,Bernice就建議配搭Italian...
是滴是友|食點心要配咩酒?廖碧兒唔止專業品酒 仲係酒莊老闆

是滴是友|食點心要配咩酒?廖碧兒唔止專業品酒 仲係酒莊老闆

即時娛樂 是滴是友|食點心要配咩酒?廖碧兒唔止專業品酒 仲係酒莊老闆 由廖碧兒(Bernice)、林曉峰、肥仔及193主持的ViuTV新節目《是滴是友》終於啟播,觀眾除了可以從肥仔及193身上聽到無數難Gag之外,最重要的當然是要欣賞Bernice的酒藝!而在第一集中,Bernice就為各位介紹了一款果味較濃的紅酒配點心飲用,令蝦餃、燒賣等點心美食的味道都能夠昇華、互相輝映。 點心配紅酒,Bernice果然有料到!(官方提供) 其實廖碧兒只於2017年就考獲國際品酒認證Level...
10 Minutes with…Bernice Liu, Actress

10 Minutes with…Bernice Liu, Actress

10 Minutes with…Bernice Liu, Actress Name: Bernice Liu | Occupation: Actress & Founder of Bellavizio | Location: Hong Kong/Canada | Known for: Miss Chinese Vancouver 2000, Miss Chinese International 2001, The Legend is Born (IP Man), The King of Fighters Hong Kong...
Bernice Liu The Power of NEW ME

Bernice Liu The Power of NEW ME

Bernice Liu The Power of NEW ME by 編輯部 STYLE-TIPS.COM 對廖碧兒(Bernice Liu)的印象,由初出道《皆大歡喜》做公主,到《瑪嘉烈與大衞系列:綠豆》以第三者身份談情說愛,或是與陳豪的舊聞拉上關係等等,而這都不是她真正本人。Bernice並不是活在別人想像中,而是過著自己喜歡的生活,除了工作,還有葡萄酒,今日就認識一個全新的廖碧兒! 現在才開始我的人生...